Arif Asadov: "I don’t know if they will use my strategies" İ
05 sentyabr 2024, 16:45
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Arif Asadov: "I don’t know if they will use my strategies"

"I wish success to our national team and the new coaching staff. We are in a difficult group. We have met every opponent and we have a victory over each one. In this regard, today's match may be a revenge for Sweden. They will definitely go to the game to win."

This was told to by the former coach of the Azerbaijan national team, Arif Asadov, while commenting on our team's game against Sweden in the first round of the Nations League.

The experienced specialist said that he believes in our team: " I want our national team to succeed, especially with a new coach at the helm. A strong performance in his first game will boost the players' confidence. When I was the coach, we managed to defeat Sweden, and this is football—anything can happen. Our team has done it before, and they are fully capable of doing it again. While the opponent may have superior skill, the key will be how motivated, determined, and resilient our team is. With the right mindset, they can overcome any challenge."

Asadov also spoke about what style of play Fernando Santos would prefer: "Since I am no longer with the national team, I cannot predict the exact style of play they will adopt. National team camps are often short, and it takes time to establish a clear game philosophy. For that reason, I can't say how Fernando Santos will shape the team's approach. I don"t know if they will use my strategies. When I was in charge, I aimed for a more offensive style in the last four matches, pressing the opponent in their own half and building wide attacks. That was our strategy, but playing styles vary depending on the opponent. Santos will likely evaluate the competition and adjust accordingly. Sweden also has a new coach, and I believe they will choose a style that suits him. It will be interesting to see how both teams adapt to their new leadership."

The Azerbaijan-Sweden match will be held today at the Tofig Bahramov Stadium. The match will start at 20:00.

Emin Aga

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Qarabağ FK

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